[Gllug] Embedded Linux & 1Gbps?

Matthew King matthew.king at monnsta.net
Wed Oct 17 09:46:55 UTC 2007

"- Tethys" <tethys at gmail.com> writes:

> On 10/17/07, Thomi Richards <thomir at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, I haven't done any formal benchmark testing, but I can tell you
>> that I run my /home and /srv directories via an NFS/SMB share. Running
>> those shares at 100MBps is slooooow...
> Really? Mine seem to run just fine. I haven't observed any noticable
> performance problems from having NFS mounted home directories on a
> 100Mb/s network.

I concur. I have no problems at home (where Samba is present too) or in
slightly larger, officey locations, with 100Mbs NFS.


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