[Gllug] Problems on a box running RAID 1

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Fri Sep 14 07:48:02 UTC 2007

   I have discovered problems on a box used for my first attempt at RAID1.
It was set up with

IDE 0 Master  M$, used occasionally during testing
IDE 0 Slave   Debian etch first of RAID1 pair
IDE 1 Master  Debian etch second of RAID1 pair
IDE 1 Slave   DVD R/W drive

   I can successfully boot either M$, Debian, or a CD/DVD, and can access
the DVD drive from either M$ or Debian, but get consistent CD/DVD read and
write errors from Debian. I was suspicious that the old drive had a dirty
lens, but a totally new good quality drive drive which should not show any
access or DMA problems gives the same errors. I have had to work around
drive DMA problems on some boxes, but I suspect that on this occasion I may
have to physically swap the drives around, so that the DVD drive becomes IDE
0 Slave and the RAID1 drives share the same cable.
   Am I likely to hit any unexpected snags when I re-arrange an MD array, or
do I just have to reconfigure MDADM and GRUB?

Chris Bell

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