[Gllug] Virus on Linux/Mac
M.J. Smith
indigojo_uk at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Sep 21 12:17:23 UTC 2007
--- Alain Williams <addw at phcomp.co.uk> wrote:
> Mac and Linux systems are based on the Unix model,
> they are inherently resilient to
> things like a virus. I have been using Unix (and now
> Linux) machines for my desktop for
> 25 years. I do not use a virus filter, I open
> whatever mail I feel like, I have never
> had a problem.
> Unix systems employ a clear distinction between data
> and code, you need to take explicit
> action to run a program. If a user were to be conned
> into running malware the effect
> would be limited since personal logins do not permit
> any update to the operating system.
The standard answer to this is that any virus on Linux
or the Mac can trash the personal data of whoever
opens it, which may well mean more to him or her than
the operating system, which can be re-installed in a
few hours or less. It's only their effect on other
users on the system - if there are any - that is
Matt Smith
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