[Gllug] Finding files with names that differ by case

Jon Dye jon at pecorous.co.uk
Thu Sep 20 14:14:03 UTC 2007

Anthony Newman wrote:
> Jon Dye wrote:
>> I have a directory tree full of files and I'd like to find all the files
>>  whose names only differ in case.  Where files differ by case they
>> should be in the same directory as each other, e.g.
>> /one/two/three
>> /one/two/Three
>> /one/four
>> /one/Four
>> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can achieve this?
> A (likely to be suboptimal) selection of stuff piped together works for 
> me, unless you want the original file names :)
> spitroast:~ $ find /usr/include -type f | perl -pe 's/(.*)/\U$1/g;' | 
> sort | uniq -c | grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*1'

Marvellous, just the ticket.

I actually did:
find /usr/include -type f | perl -pe 's/(.*)/\U$1/g;' | sort | uniq -d

which is slightly simpler.



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		- Eddie Izzard

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