[Gllug] Computer clocks

John G Walker johngeoffreywalker at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 17 18:01:25 UTC 2008

On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 17:54:47 +0100 Bernard Peek <bap at shrdlu.com> wrote:

> You are 
> probably threading mail by the messages' sent time. Can you change
> the threading to sort by received date?

Since I thread by the date that the last received message was sent, and
I've had no problems similar to those described, I doubt that this is
the explanation.

I suspect Andrew is threading by the date the initial message was sent.
Therefore all subsequent messages get placed further and further down
the stack.

Andrew, you need to check the options on your email client and find out
the one that sorts according to the latest post in a thread. In
claws-mail this is called 'thread date'.

And it would also be useful if you started a new thread when posting a
message on a new topic rather than replying to an existing message.
Your question does not have anything to do with Colo Centres in Milton

 All the best,
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