[Gllug] Help!! XP CD copying problem to change linux partitions - what tools to use to copy a failing install CD?

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sat Apr 26 20:59:22 UTC 2008

On 24 Apr 2008, M. Blackmore uttered the following:
> But I hadn't realised dd would do a bit by bit recording of a CD, I'd
> only come across it recommended as a method of backing up a hard disk
> over a network or to another hard disk.

It will do a bit-by-bit copy of any block device you care to name, as
long as you can read() from it.

What it *can't* handle is *audio* CDs: those are magical beasties that
you have to communicate with via obscure and terrifying ioctl()s, and
which, while they *can* sometimes be coerced to hand you back digital
data, don't guarantee to give you the same stuff each time, and have an
addressing scheme best described as `demented'.

`If you are having a "ua luea luea le ua le" kind of day, I can only
 assume that you are doing no work due [to] incapacitating nausea caused 
 by numerous lazy demons.' --- Frossie
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