[Gllug] ASUS Eee PC

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 15 19:39:25 UTC 2008

On 15/04/2008, Nix <nix at esperi.org.uk> wrote:
> On 14 Apr 2008, Salman AlJammaz said:
>  >                           The problem though (as someone else pointed
>  > out) is that it becomes a bit annoying to use after 2-3 hours of
>  > continues work.
> Well, yes: the batteries don't last for much longer than that, as I
>  recall, and most machines become a bit annoying to use once the power
>  runs out ;}

Saw one of these (a white one) in PC world this afternoon (I had an
interview next door). Just a display model though. They had some other
mini laptops as well.

There is supposed to be a dutch one coming out with a chinese cpu and
ubuntu rather than xandros. I suppose it's natural that everyone will
want to copy it..

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