[Gllug] Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!! I need a working ISP

David L Neil Mailing list a/c GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 19:12:18 UTC 2008

> The network status page has an interesting AS path feature:
> 	http://www.goscomb.net/status/

So what am I doing wrong? Neither Firefox (with NoScripts saying yes to
goscomb.net) nor Konqueror will display anything from these links...
(under SusE 10 - should I be using IE?)

They reckon they can do (up to) 24Mbps LLU, 8Mbps Max, and 2Mbps Classic
from my exchange (LWSHE = Shepherd's Bush). SamKnows doesn't...

Similarly they are 'invisible' on the ThinkBroadband forums.

Noting Juergen's original proviso, has/is anyone using them?

What was your final decision/criteria Juergen?

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