[Gllug] repeat soft noise from hard drive

Alistair Mann gllug at lgeezer.net
Tue Dec 9 23:35:32 UTC 2008

Diana Scott wrote:
> For reasons I was having difficulties booting up , so I delete the 
> partition and reinstall the software but the installation was stuck in 
> the middle not able to complete and I can hear a soft noise repeatedly 
> from the hard drive. Although I have still access to the data file using 
> ubuntu, the hard drive is now unbootable.

A noise sufficiently distinct to be discerned as repeating often means 
the drive is constantly trying to read (find?) an area of the disk, 
fails, and so returns to the outer edge to try again. The suggestion 
here is that part of the disk surface is damaged either physically 
(dust, head collision etc) or magnetically. Either is Bad.

> How can I fix this hard drive problem ?

By replacing the hard drive.

Alistair Mann

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