[Gllug] [OT] Selling GPL

David L Neil Mailing list a/c GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Thu Jan 3 10:51:07 UTC 2008

Aaron Trevena wrote:
> On 14/12/2007, Rob Crowther <robertc at boogdesign.com> wrote:
>> Aaron Trevena wrote:
>>> Frankly - lawyers should know better
>> Apparently Google's lawyer doesn't know any better either:
>> http://williampatry.blogspot.com/2007/12/neil-netanels-why-has-copyright.html
>> "the most outrageously gluttonous IP bill ever introduced in the U.S" :)
> Reading TFA suggests the exact reverse :
> ". But such raw efforts to control business models (like shoving whole
> CDs down our throats) dare not publicly speak their name, so it is
> necessary to use a beard, and no beard is more effective than
> property."

Wow Aaron,
I never thought of my beard as property. It's just 'there', and grows
without my noticing...
What about my moustache, is it also a property, or more of an attribute?
In that they both hide the underlying monstrosity maybe they are method?
...and the object of my enquiry: could I copyright my beard do you
think, or would that be patently absurd?

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