[Gllug] Domain registration

Simon Wilcox essuu at ourshack.com
Thu Jan 3 16:17:29 UTC 2008

David Damerell wrote:
> On Thursday, 3 Jan 2008, Simon Wilcox wrote:
>> David L Neil Mailing list a/c wrote:
>>> Simon Wilcox wrote:
>>> Also (per David's original post) they seem to bundle basic hosting,
>>> rather than be registration-only. Do you want "registration" or a
>>> hosting bundle of some description as well, David?
>> Not my experience. I have 40+ domains registered there now, all as 
>> domain only registrations.
> Glee. But what I can't see is any indication that they let you set the
> nameservers appropriately, rather than using their own.

You can do that. It seems to default to their servers but you can change 
them easily enough once the domain is registered.

I find their interface simple enough to use that we're tending towards 
using their DNS manager instead of our own. We've only found one 
limitation and that's handling obscure wildcard combinations. Other than 
that it handles most normal/mainstream requirements quite capably.

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