[Gllug] Linux friendly mp3 player

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Jan 20 00:02:51 UTC 2008

On 18 Jan 2008, Holger Duerer uttered the following:

>>>>>> "Ivan" == Ivan Virgili <ivnmad at gmail.com> writes:
>     Ivan> Stuart wrote:
>     >> AIUI the latest generation iPods don't work like this. You
>     >> still need to regenerate their database for them to recognise
>     >> audio files. I had no luck with a new iPod nano and gtkpod when
>     >> I tried this...
>     Ivan> Hi Stuart,
>     Ivan> No problems here with Fedora 8, iPod 2GB gen. 5 and gtkpod.
> The latest models (classic and latestet nanos) are completely
> different.

The newest iPods are still USB Mass Storage devices, so Linux can still
read/write to them with no trouble: the problem is that the
iPod-specific database that the Apple firmware uses to find the files
is now, IIRC, cryptographically signed :/ (I may be misremembering: it
may be full-blown encryption. Whichever, reverse-engineering is surely
possible, but may be harder than it's worth.)

A good starting point, btw, is that if an MP3 player works with Rockbox,
it works with Linux :)

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