[Gllug] DNS security problem and broadband modems

ba1020 ba1020 at homie.homelinux.net
Mon Jul 28 21:24:24 UTC 2008

Tethys wrote:
> Option 3) Do it yourself (in other words, get a better NAT
> provider). My ADSL router acts purely as a router -- simply
> passing packets from network A to network B and vice versa.
> It does no NAT/PAT and no packet filtering. Traffic goes
> straight through into my firewall (a separate box) which is
> entirely under my control. From there I fan out to the rest
> of the network. It's a setup I'd recommend to anyone. No
> messing about with cryptic and underpowered vendor configs.
> It's all just plain old network config on a Unix box.
> Tet
hm how is your router configured;routing internet to an internal private 

and what is the ip-adr of your router internal interface

and how do you nat on your unix-box (iptables)?

It's not so easy to disable nating on the router and keep everything 

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