[Gllug] Mobile phone broadband

Sean Burlington sean at practicalweb.co.uk
Wed Jun 4 13:46:26 UTC 2008

Dylan wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience or recommendations they can make, especially 
> regarding the quality of service from the various suppliers, which 'modems' 
> work with Linux and which don't (if any) and any gotcha's or hoops which have 
> to be navigated.

so back to the original question

.. and I've just hit an odd snag...

... it seems that I can't access a subversion repository via three's 
network under specific conditions

- using subclipse  & the repository is on http

I can access the repository using the command line client

Using Eclipse works over an ethernet/ADSL connection - or using three it 
works to an https server ...

don't suppose anyone else has run into this ??


Sean Burlington


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