[Gllug] anybody here using Ubuntu 8.04 and their keyboard driver has gone to pot?

Adrian McMenamin adrian at newgolddream.dyndns.info
Fri May 16 09:25:10 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 16, 2008 7:54 am, Jason Clifford wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 19:39 +0100, Adrian McMenamin wrote:
>> No pound sign available on mine and updating the keyboard layout
>> generates an error - just me or a real bug?
> I've had this on every box I upgraded and the number pad was lost on
> each.
> In each case I've had to reconfigure X to fix it.
> In my case the cause was simple - I'd manually update the xorg conf file
> to enable the best resolution for my monitor which was not available by
> default. Once I removed that I was able to rebuild easily.

That sounds like it might be the reason/fix as i have also had issues
about monitor resolution (eg occassionally getting a dialogue advising me
to use a resolution that doesn't seem to be available and the login screen
graphic being the wrong size). Could you just say a little more about what
you did?

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