[Gllug] Firefox 3

Rob Crowther robertc at boogdesign.com
Thu May 29 23:48:44 UTC 2008

M.Blackmore wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 11:07 +0100, Rob Crowther wrote:
>> I've got multiple versions installed side by side on my machine
> How does one do that? I thought libraries etc. would get hopelessly 
> mixed up.
There are no shared libraries in Firefox itself, everything required is 
in the installation directory - you can download a daily build[1], 
extract it in your home directory and run it directly.

The things you need to worry about are:

1 To run both at the same time, and to avoid the beta version possibly 
messing up your existing one, you should create a second profile.  This 
is done by starting Firefox with the -ProfileManager command line switch 
from the terminal or in your menu/desktop shortcut

2 Once you've created a second profile you can lock a particular version 
to a particular profile by adding "-P <profilename>" to the 
command/shortcut - makes life easier if you create a profile name with 
no spaces in it

3 In order to run side by side you need to use the -no-remote switch, 
otherwise running Firefox again will just create a new window on the 
existing instance.  But you probably don't want to do this on whichever 
your default instance of Firefox is as then it won't work correctly when 
you try to open links from other applications, but then you need to 
remember to always start your default version first.

That may all sound a bit complicated, but it'll all become a bit clearer 
when you try it - there's a finite number of combinations :)

Basically my menu shortcut for my default Firefox is:

firefox -P default %u

And, after that, the command I use to launch the nightly build is

firefox/firefox -no-remote -P default30


[1] http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/
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