[Gllug] OUTRAGEOUS Apple patent for solar voltaic covered computer cases

M.Blackmore mblackmore at oxlug.org
Wed May 28 16:38:21 UTC 2008

And opiates are supposed to make one chill out, I've got a bigger than
normal afternoon dose hitting hard at the moment so hardly able to see
the screen, and I'm STILL in an explosive rage about this patent theft!

On Wed, 2008-05-28 at 17:30 +0100, M.Blackmore wrote:

> APPLE FILES SOLAR PATENT: MacBook going solar? 
> Greener Apple, Green my mac, green my apple, greener gadgets, apple
> solar power, mac solar power, mac solar patent, apple solar patent,
> green electronics, solar apple, solar mac, solar iPod, solar Macbook,
> solar power book, solar iPhone, Inhabitat rendering of MacBook with
> solar power, Inhabitat rendering of photovoltaic macbook, photovoltaic
> macbook
> If you read Inhabitat with any frequency, you know we are always on
> the lookout for greener gadgets that will reduce the amount of energy
> and waste associated with wireless mobility. Well, we just spotted
> some breaking greener gadget news that are sure to get Apple fans
> excited! Drumroll please..
> Apple just filed a patent to infuse their hand-helds and computers
> with a thin film of solar cells, paving the way for a new generation
> of gadgets with battery life boosted by the sun. The patent approaches
> the prospect from every angle, with schematics to stack photovoltaic
> cells beneath the entire surface of their portables - including the
> screen! 
> ===================
> THIS IS UTTERLY OUTRAGEOUS! This idea has been discussed around
> mailing lists and web forums and third world development organisations
> as a wish-for for at least the last 20 years that I recall. Can
> someone with contacts with the free software movement or whatever that
> fights this sort of blatant colonialism and idea theft by US
> corporations want to start digging at prior art and obviousness? 
> All that has happened now is that thin film stuff has become available
> into commercial productivity, and thats just a simple extension of
> using old fashioned PV panels which have been put on things for years.
> Its an obvious idea and I am aware of it being around since at least
> the early 90s, if not 80s, tho' couldn't put my hand on any quotes or
> anything.
> Just what the FUCK does the US patents office think its doing? They
> MUST be taking backhanders.
> We can't let Apple steal this one - its just been hanging around as an
> idea until the technology catches up and will sabotage all sorts of
> things like 3rd world developments. Its so obvious thats why no one
> has bothered to patent it before!
> Fucking psychopathic swindlers.
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