[Gllug] Ubuntu and me - suggestions requested (polite ones please)

John Edwards john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Thu Nov 13 13:47:52 UTC 2008

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 01:22:10PM +0000, Cillian de Roiste wrote:
> From a personal (religious?) perspective I'd also like to mention
> another reason for trying Mandriva as an alternative to Ubuntu. They
> use open source software for their forums, issue tracking and wikis
> etc. and they have very clearly contributed a lot of code to the
> community too.  While I am grateful for the vast amount of new members
> that Ubuntu has brought to the Linux community (and I really love the
> theme), I found that their choices of software that they used didn't
> sit well with me.

Which choices are you thinking about?

Launchpad? (which it not part of the Ubuntu distribution but is
due for open source release next year)

Sun's Java? (which is entirely optional)

To add to the head count, the main problem I've had with Ubuntu
has been the slowness of sync'ing of some packages in universe
with those in Debian (eg cfengine being broken in Ubuntu 8.10).

Ubuntu's 5 year support cycle for LTS (Long Term Support) releases
allow for a more planned rollout on servers than Debian's unplanned
release cycle.

|    John Edwards   Email: john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk    |
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