[Gllug] Portable and network storage.

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Thu Nov 13 15:18:39 UTC 2008

Have you checked out the Drobo and Droboshare?


Not cheap, but it seriously rocks.


On Thu Nov 13  5:12 , Gllug <gllug at hotpop.com> sent:

>I am looking to upgrade my Raid array at home which currently rund on a 
>pair of IDE disks on solaris (raided).
>I am thinking that there is a simpler (and cheeper) way to have storage 
>than a standard PC does anybody have any suggestions or recomendations?
>I am thinking along the lines of the raid version of the WD My Book® 
>World Edition™ II (http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp\?driveid=340)
>My requirements would be
>Ethertnet connection with SMB accessability.
>Hackable to the extent that it runs something like linux and you can get 
>at it.
>User servicable
>In addition advantages would be
>DHCPD server.
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