[Gllug] (OT) bulk tape eraser sought - central London Area

David L Neil Mailing list a/c GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Thu Nov 20 12:37:58 UTC 2008

Richard Jones wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 06:59:39PM +0000, Chris Bell wrote:
>>    No idea what was involved, and it was not in operation, but I visited a
>> whole-ship de-gaussing dock a few years ago.
> Tell us more??  A way to foil scurvy VHS pirates?
> Rich.


I will assume from your vacant stare that you have not made it your
habit to be at the foot of the gangway when the boys come home from a
lengthy mission...

The truth* of the matter is that when one has been at sea for any length
of time, returning to land requires the re-gaining of what is known as
'land legs', ie the land doesn't keep moving in the way the ocean (this
more pronounced the smaller the vessel).

Accordingly the objective of de-gaussing is to reset the inertial
navigation system between the ears of the average matelot, thus enabling
him to stand up and walk in a straight line. The Admiralty view being
that it is so much cheaper to deal with a whole ship at a time than to
provide individual attention, and their fervent hope, that this will
enable each to return to the arms of their loved ones to a much deserved
welcome, remembering of their place, good table manners, and the
appropriate use of language...

Sadly it has been shown that the effects of such de-gaussing are quickly
undone by nefarious hostel-keepers plying said land-siders with strong
(a bit like user group meetings really)

* yeah right!

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