[Gllug] Spamassassin (again)

Adrian McMenamin adrian at newgolddream.dyndns.info
Tue Nov 18 20:24:14 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 23:20 +0000, Nix wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2008, Adrian McMenamin uttered the following:
> > Thanks for the help with the previous issue. In the end I reinstalled it
> > and it looked like it was running fine - my previous problems were because
> > I was trying to maintain a site wide set of Bayesian tokens etc.
> >
> > Once I realised that it was an unequal struggle to maintain that and just
> > copied the files into various users' folders it worked (or so I thought).
> You could alternatively maintain the Bayes DB in a database, which is
> far, *far* faster as well.
> > Now, though I am noticing it (spamd) eats memory like it is going out of
> > fashion and consequently - it seems when the box recycles its logs etc -
> > will crash (having sent the usuage number up to as high as 40 and then the
> > process bails out with an oom).
> How much memory is that? Numbers, please...
> ... but the load average >40 implies that you have dozens of children
> running. On a box with 1.5Gb RAM that will cause insane swapping: reduce
> the child count drastically, preferably right back down to the default
> of 5, and then psuh it up only when it asks you to.
> How are you starting spamd?

Apologies for not replying earlier - connection problems (not
spamassassin related!).

I added another 3G of swap space and it has run fine since. The box
originally had 500MB of memory and 1.5 G of swap. Memory was upgraded to
1.5G but swap wasn't increased. But it still ran fine.

On the upgrade that didn't seem to be enough. But it seems to run fine

root at dragoneye:~# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers
Mem:       1553192    1511392      41800          0      12232
-/+ buffers/cache:    1340272     212920
Swap:      4616176    3100056    1516120

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