[Gllug] job advert

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Tue Oct 14 12:09:59 UTC 2008

I have a sense of humor.  I keep it safely locked in my desk drawer.


On Tue Oct 14  7:56 , tid  sent:

>more interesting is the requirement for "a sense of humour". How are
>they going to
>evaluate that and is it a show stopper if the candidate hasn't got one?
>Granted that If you work in Sysadmin, you *need* a sense of humour to
>survive some
>of the stupider things that users & management thrust upon you, but
>you don't see
>many job adverts for doctors saying "must have a sense of humour".
>2008/10/14 t.clarke tim at seacon.co.uk>:
>> So,  who ever PUNCTUATES emails perfectly?
>> --
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