[Gllug] email readers

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Sep 14 16:49:38 UTC 2008

On 13 Sep 2008, Chris Bell spake thusly:
>    I have attached a screenshot. I can list mails in several ways for
> convenient viewing, open several items at the same time, scroll up or down
> the mail lists, choose to reply, delete, save to any location, dump to an
> editor, view my address list, generally with a sinple mouse click.

See, I'd find that interface nearly intolerable. If you can't get from
one mail to the next with a simple space, and if space/BS don't also
serve as pgdn/pgup in the email, and if the old and new email don't
occupy the same place on the screen, I simply get hit with sensory
overload and lose track of which emails I've got open at all.

`Not even vi uses vi key bindings for its command line.' --- PdS
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