[Gllug] Fwd: [Foresight-devel] ANNOUNCEMENT: Ubuntu rebasing

Joel Bernstein joel at fysh.org
Thu Apr 2 08:30:05 UTC 2009

On 2 Apr 2009, at 09:25, James Laver wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Mark Trompell
>> Date: 1 April 2009 15:05:58 BST
>> Subject: [Foresight-devel]  ANNOUNCEMENT: Ubuntu rebasing
>> Our friends at Canonical just let us know about their latest brave  
>> decision.
>> I can't go much into details yet, but we are proud to announce, that
>> Canonical will from their next release on, build Ubuntu upon  
>> Foresight
>> Linux. To honour debian for being their base from the beginning up to
>> now, they decided to use Toy Story entities as future code names. The
>> first foresight based release wil be 9.10 "abusive andy".
>> Rejoyce with us.
>> Mark
> As a former Foresight developer, I'm ecstatic, but I'm sure it's  
> going to annoy a lot of people.
> Discuss.

I'd say this was date-related. How likely are Ubuntu developers to  
move en-masse to a new packaging system? i.e. I call April Fool  


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