[Gllug] frying bacon

Christopher Hunter cehunter at gb-x.org
Mon Apr 6 13:49:16 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-04-03 at 11:26 +0100, Alain Williams wrote:
> For some time now I hear a sound of someone frying bacon in the background
> of all my phone calls ... makes conversations sometimes hard.
> Plugging/unplugging things I find that if my broadband modem (d-link ds-604+) is
> unplugged/switched-off the cooking stops. This is on a BT phone system.
> Changing the 'phone makes no difference.
> What is likely to be the culprit:
> * broadband filter
> * my BB modem
> * BT exchange

The first (and easiest) to try is the microfilter.  Try swapping it with
another (perhaps borrow one).  

The modem could also be at fault- in an effort to "protect" the modem
from high voltage damage, the manufacturers often include VDRs (Voltage
Dependant Resistors) between the incoming telephone wires and sometimes
to earth.  Earthing one side of a phone line often causes the crackling
you're describing.

The least likely is the BT exchange - if you're getting phone calls and
data through their system, it's working OK.  In the event of noisy line
or exchange faults, your data connection will usually fail first.  

Go for the microfilter first!


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