[Gllug] Apache log files

John Hearns hearnsj at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 8 08:28:04 UTC 2009

Come on chaps and chapesses. We are failing miserably here.
We have had an elegant example in bash shell and in Python, to cope
with this problem.

What we REALLY need is an obfuscated code contest.
I call a gloves-off, no rules obfuscated code contest for the next
GLLUG meeting.
The only rule is that the author must stand up and explain in two
minutes what the code does,
and what elegant tricks are embedded in the code.

I will come up with prizes in two categories:

a) any scripting language

b) open technology - the more inappropriate the better. Bring along
that Difference Engine you have in the basement.

The winner will be chosen by the time-honoured gameshow method of the
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