[Gllug] DNS verification (slightly OT)

Simon Wilcox essuu at ourshack.com
Fri Apr 17 11:00:46 UTC 2009

On 17/4/09 11:21, Henrik Morsing wrote:

> The problem I have is that as soon as the TTL for whatever server you
> get your response from expires, your client will go ask nstld.com

Since I've never queried for morsing.cc before (email going via the 
list), I had no ttl set.

Our office DNS servers should have done the full query. Let me try that 
from somewhere else that definitely won't have you locally cached:

simonw at svr02:~$ host ns.morsing.cc
ns.morsing.cc       	A

Actually that uses an upstream nameserver that might have cached it. 
Let's use our own primary resolving DNS server

simonw at svr10:~$ host ns.morsing.cc
Nameserver not responding
ns.morsing.cc A record not found, try again

OK, it looks like you do have a problem of some sort. Having said that, 
ns1.widge.net and ns2.widge.net which whois thinks are authoritative for 
your domain are not responding at all.

Fixing this might be a good idea.

simonw at svr10:~$ host ns1.widge.net
ns1.widge.net       	A
simonw at svr10:~$ host ns2.widge.net
ns2.widge.net       	A
simonw at svr10:~$ host ns.morsing.cc ns1.widge.net
Nameserver ns1.widge.net not responding
ns.morsing.cc A record not found at ns1.widge.net, try again
simonw at svr10:~$ host ns.morsing.cc ns2.widge.net
Nameserver ns2.widge.net not responding
ns.morsing.cc A record not found at ns2.widge.net, try again

If the glue record for ns.morsing.cc is somehow set incorrectly you'll 
get no results.

BTW, host thinks that you have different name servers to the whois record:

host80:~ simonw$ host -t ns morsing.cc
morsing.cc name server ns.morsing.cc.
morsing.cc name server ns2.morsing.cc.

I think these are fetched from a query of the name server rather than 
from the whois record.

One solution/workaround to this may be to move the DNS away somewhere 
altogether different. e.g. dyndns.org or any number of other providers. 
If you don't have self-referencing name servers you won't need glue 
records and all this will go away.

To answer your actual question - I don't think you're mad, there's 
definitely a problem but I'm not convinced it's where you think it is.

Good luck !

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