[Gllug] How do I improve spamassassin's usefulness?

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sat Aug 15 18:39:08 UTC 2009

On 11 Aug 2009, Richard Jones spake thusly:

> I'm using spamassassin on my work email, classifying email mostly by
> hand, and running sa-learn.  Unfortunately SA is still very bad at
> sorting my email.  After about 6 months of doing this, I still get
> lots of (very obvious) spam arriving in my inbox.  I'm left thinking
> how long will SA take to get the idea that "EUROMILLIONS LOTTERY" is
> not a subject I'm interested in.

Are you using Justin Mason's sought rules? 

> My email comes in from fetchmail and is filtered using a .procmailrc
> using the recommended recipe at the top:
>   # Send mail through spamassassin
>   :0fw: spamassassin.lock
>   * < 512000
>   | spamassassin

(Not spamc? spamassassin(1) has very high invocation overhead: it takes
over a second of maxed-out-core on my Nehalem...)

>   :0:
>   * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
>   mail/spam

I've always found this annoyingly hard to read: ${MATCH} is much
clearer. Personally I do this:

| # SpamAssassin, assassinate!
| :0 fw
| | spamc -d spamfilter.srvr.nix
| # Is this certain to be spam?
| :0 H:
| * ^X-Spam-Status: yes, +score=\/[^. ]*
| * ? (( ${MATCH} > 9 ))
| spambox
| # Is this merely likely to be spam?
| :0 H:
| * ^X-Spam-Flag: YES$
| blockbox

> And I do get spam appearing in mail/inspect and mail/spam, so I am
> sure that SA does run.  But I also get obvious spam with ridiculously
> low scores in my inbox.
> What am I doing wrong?

I'm not sure. Stick a sample of spam that got through (with headers)
somewhere and I'll see if it gets equally low scores here (with 3.2.x
and 3.3-to-be). Maybe it's a config error: there are some important
configuration items (like trusted_networks) that are often set wrongly
and badly damage accuracy until they're fixed.

Also, note that SA intentionally biases strongly towards allowing a
little spam through rather than mistakenly blocking legitimate email. I
get a spam or two a day through (and 2000-or-so blocked by SA). Even the
'likely' box only gets an FP once every year or so.
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