[Gllug] How do I improve spamassassin's usefulness?

John Edwards john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Sat Aug 15 19:39:01 UTC 2009

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 08:22:35PM +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
> Two spams that made it through SA with rather low scores are
> (temporarily) here:
> http://www.annexia.org/tmp/spam1.txt
> http://www.annexia.org/tmp/spam2.txt

Taking spam2 as an example, your spamassassin reports:
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.5 (2008-06-10)
X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.8 required=5.0 tests=ADVANCE_FEE_2,BAYES_40,
        MIME_QP_LONG_LINE,NA_DOLLARS,UNPARSEABLE_RELAY autolearn=no version=3.2.5

Spamassassin running on Debian 5.0 (lenny) reports: 
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.5 (2008-06-10)
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=10.2 required=1.0 tests=ADVANCE_FEE_2,BAYES_50,
        UNPARSEABLE_RELAY autolearn=no version=3.2.5

The Bayes difference (40 vs 50) is probably because my mail
server has had years of spam under it's belt.

The main different seems to be that the Pyzor and Razor checks are
not being run on your system.

Do you have the following in your spamassassin config files:
	loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor
	loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2

The other spam email scores the same on my mail servers (1.4).

|    John Edwards   Email: john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk    |
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