[Gllug] spam

Diana Scott dianascott1 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 19:58:09 UTC 2009

I have been receiving 10 - 15 spam email every day since early June
this year. I was shocked to find out some of the regular spam have my
email address as the sending address but in a different sender name
sending it back to my email account. When it arrives, the sender
appeared as "Me". Do you know how the spammers find my email address
and how do they fake the sender id as ME sending it back to the
original address  ?

What do they gain by sending these spam email ? What do I need to do
to get my email address off from the spammers mailing lists or stop
receiving from them ? Can "Report to phishing" stop them spamming?

Are there any government agencies that help to control email spamming
in the UK ? Are they breaking any law by sending fake id spamming ?


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