[Gllug] spam

James Laver gllug at jameslaver.com
Sat Aug 8 16:56:45 UTC 2009

On 7 Aug 2009, at 09:54, Phil Reynolds wrote:

> Quoting "Bruce Richardson" <itsbruce at workshy.org>:
>> Ironically, spammers are now some of the most enthusiastic users of  
>> SPF.
> Well, yes, good point but it stops them forging my address (and those
> of other adopters) without it being verifiable.

But more importantly, helps combat botnets of compromised windows  
machines sending spam.

My gmail account gets in the region of 10k a day spams, I used to use  
it a lot of places because the spam filtering was good enough that I  
didn't care.

Since I started using tagged addresses on my domain, I've noticed  
firstly that I'm not getting as much spam (because I'm only using a  
given address on one site), and that a little reparative action of  
EOLing any addresses that are becoming a spam problem solves most of it.

The most spam (okay, UCE) that I get these days is from recruiters  
unable to do their job who just mailshot against simple keyword  
matches on their database. Oddly enough, my spam filters are marking  
it as spam without my intervention.

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