[Gllug] spam

Phil Reynolds phil-gllug at tinsleyviaduct.com
Fri Aug 7 08:48:37 UTC 2009

Quoting "Alain Williams" <addw at phcomp.co.uk>:

> I meant to mention that you can stop it appearing to be FROM you by  
> implementing
> SPF: setting a DNS record & checking it. However I know that some on  
> this list do
> not like SPF. I use it and my machine rejects several hundred email  
> a day because of it.
> See:
> 	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework

I wholeheartedly agree. In my case it was bounces resulting from spams  
that were causing me the most trouble. SPF reduced my spam problems by  
90% - it is not without its problems but is, IMO, a good part of the  

Phil Reynolds
mail: phil-gllug at tinsleyviaduct.com
Web: http://www.tinsleyviaduct.com/phil/
Waltham 66, Emley Moor 69, Droitwich 79, Windows 95

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