[Gllug] Camalyn Vacancy Posts

- Tethys tethys at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 17:55:01 UTC 2009

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Juergen Schinker
<ba1020 at homie.homelinux.net> wrote:

> good companys explicitly don't work with agencys

That's not strictly true. As a company, using an agency gives you access
to a much larger pool of potential employees than you would otherwise
have. I've personally had more success recruiting through an agency
that I've had trying to do it directly. Of course, using a bad agency
gives you an endless stream of CVs from morons, but if you get a good
agency (and there are a few around), it can be very beneficial. The way
I see it, my time is better spent doing technical stuff than trying to
be a recruiter. If I can get someone else to do a worthwhile job of that
for me, so much the better.

>> I despair to think that solid Engineers and technicians ignore this
>> resource like if they were some kind of disease. Granted, there are
>> agencies that are rubbish, but there are others that save you time and
>> effort while you are job hunting and that open doors that otherwise
>> would remain closed.
> those doors better stay closed- that saves you time

...and lets you miss out on a potentially amazing job. Yes, you're likely
to have to wade through a lot of crap to get there. But sometimes the
payoff will be worth it. I guess it's up to the individual to decide
whether they want to tolerate the hassle of putting up with an agency
in order to widen their choice of jobs. I've had several jobs over the
last couple of decades, and for nearly all of them, I've been hired
through word of mouth and reputation. But the only one I got through an
agency turned out to be among the most enjoyable places I've ever worked.
I agree that there are a large number of agencies I wouldn't want to go
anywhere near, but I largely think it's luck of the draw which one you
get, and on my empirical evidence, you can't claim that the quality of
jobs you get through an agent is any lower than those you apply for


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