[Gllug] Government collecting comms data

John Hearns hearnsj at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 18 14:24:31 UTC 2009

2009/2/18 Juergen Schinker <ba1020 at homie.homelinux.net>:
> i named my servers after Comedians
> last one 'izzard'

Regarding server naming, I've been through this one in several jobs.
I worked at the PET Centre at Guys/Tommies (nothing to do with pets I
assure you - it stands for Positron Emission Tomography). We named
servers after rodents - starting with gerbil etc. Eventually we got to
Naming schemes like that always sound a great idea, when when you
expand you run out of short, easy to type names and it becomes a pain
to type (say) betelguese if you use (say) star names.

My heartfelt advice - use functional names which describer either the
function or machine type, then add a numeral.
A good for instance - at Framestore we had inferno1 inferno2 etc. -
which describes the piece of software the machine runs. New inferno
suite is ordered up by t' management - easy. inferno3

As an aside, in the HPC clustering world you simply have to use a
rational naming scheme such as nodeNN or compNN.
We can have a nice religious war on whether we start at comp00 or comp01.
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