[Gllug] ads-free web hosting

Harry Rickards hrickards at l33tmyst.com
Thu Feb 5 13:02:57 UTC 2009

Yes sorry about that, I also subscribe to the Ubuntu UK mailing list, and
thought I was replying to a message on that. Also, on different distro's
(not Debian or Ubuntu), the location of the HTML files may not be in
/var/www, but in another place such /var/htdocs. It should be either in the
default Apache configuration file (usually /etc/apache2/apache.conf) or in
the default enabled site configuration file (usually

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 12:43:01 +0000, Ryan Cartwright
<r.cartwright at equitasit.co.uk> wrote:
> 2009/2/5 Harry Rickards <harryrickards at l33tmyst.com>:
>> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 18:37:28 -0000, "Gundemarie Scholz"
>> <spamyousilly at inbox.ru> wrote:
>>> Diana Scott wrote:
>>>> Can you recommend me some ads-free web hosting site so that i could
>>>> put my newly learnt html into practice trying to build a simple site?
>>> If it is only about HTML you can construct the files locally and just
>>> point your browser at them. There is no need for web hosting or even a
>>> local web server installation that way.
>> If you need PHP as well open up a terminal and run
>> sudo aptitude install apache2 php5
>> Then put the relevant files in the /var/www directory
> presuming you are running a distro using apt-based package management ;o)
> -- 
> Ryan Cartwright
> Equitas IT Solutions
> http://www.equitasit.co.uk
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