[Gllug] Internal addressing??

David L Neil Mailing list a/c GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Sun Feb 15 11:57:03 UTC 2009

Harry Rickards wrote:
> If you need any help installing a DNS server, there's a good guide at
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto; ...
> On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 13:22:51 +0000, James Holland
> <holland.james at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 14:48 +0000, Marcus Taylor wrote:
>>> Do you have internal DNS?
>>> A quick hack would be to create internal.ajax.example.net pointing to 
>>> the internal address and configure you http server/squirrel config to 
>>> also listen on the virutal host.
>> On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 14:42 +0000, Juergen Schinker wrote:
>>> just make an entry in your internal DNS Server(i hope you have one)
>>>		IN A	ajax.example.com
>> Thanks for the tips. I haven't installed a dns server yet, but it looks
>> like I will soon!

In a corporate situation or if one is practising skills in the privacy
of your own home, then BIND is THE tool. Given that you are learning,
perhaps Dnsmasq ( http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html) might
be more applicable. It comes-with in many smaller distros as well as the
popular ones and even server versions (eg CentOS 5.2). I have it on my
Freecom Internet Gateway 'appliance'/router/server... It might even run
on your router.

Dnsmasq has the usual .conf file, which allows for the setting of local
ranges (in a fashion more straight-forward than a BIND zone with its
many 'gotchas'), and interfaces with applicable remote settings
(WAN/DSL/Dial-up). I set up my own/an additional HOSTS file (the
original is overwritten by the appliance admin s/w - YMMV). Its format
is identical to the one you see on every *nux or Win machine. Finally,
point each client on your network at this DNS source and your internal
requests will be satisfied from there, and your external ones (eg
google.com) will be "forwarded".

Whenever I add a new VHost to Apache (etc) all that is needed is that
the applicable line be added to the dnsmasq's (extra) HOSTS file:   ajax.example.com
Restart the (DNS) server, and thereafter every network client can find
its way.

There is not a lot of doc to wade through - about three pages of
explanation, a conf settings sheet, and a man page. Your favorite search
engine will produce plenty of encouragement in the way of articles.
BIND's docs go on forever!

Dnsmasq's power is way beyond most personal, SOHO, and SME needs (IMHO).
The other advantage is that it will fulfil your DHCP requirements too,
and thus the headache of integrating DHCP and DNS disappears. Remember
though, either your DNS(masq) server runs 24x7 or it must be started
before any of your client m/cs fire up!


PS there are other DNS or DNS-DHCP combo packages designed for the
'small situation'. Ensure that 'standard tools', eg nslookup will still
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