[Gllug] Disk space anomaly

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Wed Jan 21 19:19:23 UTC 2009

  First, run "du -h /" and see what it reports.
  Second, the smb share you have mounted does not use space on your local drive
(ok, possibly a few bytes to record the fact you have it mounted, but no where
near a 1 to 1 ratio).  The df command reports how big the external mount point is
and how much capacity it has remaining.
  Third, if you have lots of very small files, you will find you are "wasteing"
diskspace because each file takes up a minimum of a single block.  This means
that the 1k block size will cause a 1 byte file to "use" a complete 1k of disk space.


On Wed Jan 21 13:44 , gunzip <emacs.el at googlemail.com> sent:

>'du' for  each directory under / shows:
>bin  8.2Mb
>boot  1.1Mb
>dev 152k
>etc 33.7Mb
>home  89.1GB
>initrd  8k
>lib  139Mb
>lib64  19Mb
>lost+found  16k
>media  16k
>misc  8k
>mnt  42.2GB
>opt  8k
>proc  4.7GB
>root  40.7Mb
>sbin  21.8Mb
>selinux  8k
>srv  8k
>tftboot  100k
>tmp  16k
>usr  2.5GB
>var  17.5GB
>TOTAL = 156.26GB
>This is made up of:
>114.06GB + 42.2GB /mnt
>However, 'df' shows:
>Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>/dev/sda7            280030396 201440388  64365256  76% /
>/dev/sda1               147764     16652    123483  12% /boot
>none                   2022368         0   2022368   0% /dev/shm
>//Backup/Projects    312057856  24420352 287637504   8% /mnt/Projects
>.... ie. 200GB disk space used. Where did the other 44GB go?
>I'm also unclear about /mnt/Projects. Do I uderstand that an external backup
disk, mounted via smbfs, uses space on the local disk equivalent to the space
used on the external disk?
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