[Gllug] web site costs

Sean Burlington sean at practicalweb.co.uk
Mon Jul 13 10:00:49 UTC 2009

lesleyb at herlug.org.uk wrote:
> Being wheelchair bound doesn't mean you can't use a computer any more than it means you can't drive a car.  I believe tube and rail access are another thing entirely.
> There are many disabilities which do not impact on web site design, as well as many that do and some of those more subtly than others.
> Learning disabled people for example need a simple flow to any forms with implicitly simple data collection. 

It is a challenge* to cater for all abilities in website accessibility

And while the RNIB does a great job of championing web accessibility - 
they do tend to push attention too much towards visual disabilities.

Very little attention seems to be given to people who have trouble with 
fine motor control (clicking very accurately with a mouse) - and even 
less to the cognitive burdens some sites impose.

These non-visual issues are often a nuisance to 'normal' site visitors

There's a great section on accessible writing here 
(along with some random photos)

*challenges are fun


Sean Burlington


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