[Gllug] Mains ethernet adapters WAS: WiFi modem / routers etc - recommendations for increased

Matthew King matthew.king at monnsta.net
Mon Jun 8 16:33:51 UTC 2009

Chris Bell <chrisbell at 3966.ukfsn.org> writes:

>    An alternative to ethernet cabling is available using carriers via the
> 240 volt mains cabling. Plug-in 13-amp adapters with wireless and/or
> ethernet transmit carriers via the mains which will connect throughout the
> entire building, even into another building connected to the same supply,
> blocked at the electricity meter. Beware of second hand kit because there
> have been re-calls due to overheating.

Going off on a tangent, I was under the impression that these adapters
are just a media converter, and indeed this is how I have used them at a
friend's (stuck a switch between it and their computer to give another
computer access) so what happens when more than two of these devices are
plugged in to the same supply?


I must take issue with the term "a mere child", for it has been my
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preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz
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