[Gllug] Large raid 5/5+0 setup

Justin Perreault justinperreault at dl-jp.com
Thu Jun 18 11:45:43 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 12:29 +0100, John Hearns wrote:
> 2009/6/18 Justin Perreault <justinperreault at dl-jp.com>
>         If I was more serious in my TV watching I would not be
>         concerned about
>         the space I use.
>         Nothing professional. If I can get enough space I hope to move
>         all my
>         dvds on to it so I can have them always at my finger tips,
>         that and
>         being able to put them in the attic so they stop taking up
>         living room
>         space.
> Ah, but for that you have to be more up to date with acronyms.
> RAID - passe.
> RAIT - WTF does that mean?
> No - what you need is MAID.


> My recommendation - sell your house, sell your family into slavery and
> rent a cheap bedsit,
> so you can affford one of these for your video storage needs:
>  http://www.sgi.com/products/storage/raid/15000.html

At only ~£400k I'm sure the slavery option will suffice.


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