[Gllug] Troubleshooting Memory Leak

John Hearns hearnsj at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 24 17:46:52 UTC 2009

2009/3/24 Stephen Nelson-Smith <sanelson at gmail.com>:
> I have a CentOS 5 server running nginx, httpd and a dozen or so
> mongrel instances.  Since this morning I've been experiencing a
> serious memory leak - about 2G in 2 hours, until the machine needs to
> be rebooted.  I've tried to answer the question "what changed", and I
> can't think of anything on my side...

cat /proc/meminfo
Also use slabtop

Regarding diagnostics tools, I would use SGI Performance Copilot,
which plots many variables such as all the numbers in meminfo (etc.)
You are unlikely to have that on CentOS
Have you tried using systat/sar and displaying the data using ksar on
a remote machine
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