[Gllug] VACANCY: Linux Systems Administrator / PHP Developer

- Tethys tethys at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 16:45:14 UTC 2009

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Peter Corlett <abuse at cabal.org.uk> wrote:

> The market rate for the advertised job is about 30-45k as a permie, or about
> 200-300/day as a contractor.

There's a simple course of action. If you feel the rate offered is
lower than you'd like, don't apply for the job. David has offered a
position, and given all the relevant details required for this list,
so there's little cause to complain. The salary may put you off, but
there may well be others that would be happy to take it. From what
I've seen, salaries have dropped fairly rapidly in recent times, so it
wouldn't surprise me. That's the way free markets work.


The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to
understand the exponential function -- Albert Bartlett
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