[Gllug] Lonix - London Linux User Group (March 2009 FREE BEER Meetin
tjoshi at lonix.org.uk
Wed Mar 4 16:31:13 UTC 2009
Hi ,
Here are the details of the next meeting for Lonix,
Date: Tuesday 10 Mar 2009
Time: 6pm onwards
Place: LVPO 50 Dean Street, London, W1D 5BQ
Map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=W1D+5BQ&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=19.563564,40.297852&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr
Nearest Tube: Tottenham Court Road / Leicester Square / Pic Circus
Phone: 02088962600
This month we have a sponsor who will be providing free beer and food. The company is Intrabench (www.intrabench.com) a CRM company based in London. So get there early and put the event in your diaries.
This month's meeting will be held in LVPO in the heart of SOHO. We have the ground floor function room reserved and we'll continue all discussions related to Linux, open source and Mac OS X. Yes, as so many of us seem to have bought these Apple things we thought we might as well include them into the discussion/chat/arguments. So feel free as always to bring along your Apple/Hackintosh machine.
There will also be a Linux/internet related quiz so bring your thinking caps along.
Also if you know of any companies that wish to sponsor future meetings please get in contact.
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