[Gllug] Grauniad Technology

Christopher Hunter cehunter at gb-x.org
Fri Mar 20 18:38:41 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 12:40 +0000, John Hearns wrote:

> It really winds me up when some journalist writes an article which
> says that Linux is pants because it doesn't have drivers for some 
> half-crippled USB printer or scanner.

Unfortunately, there's a contrary view - most journalism is a waste of
paper, but the widely perceived "truth" is that Linux isn't any good for
domestic or desktop use because it has "driver problems".  

Meanwhile, back in the Real World™, I've found that recent Linux distros
handle MORE types of hardware than Windows can manage!  

Many of the Windows drivers for notoriously difficult hardware (like
Lexmark printers) are badly broken, and it's often impossible to obtain
working drivers at all - a computer salesman friend tells me that this
is the biggest reason for return of peripherals.

The "rough edges" of Linux look smoother with every install I do!


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