[Gllug] Grauniad Technology

Jose Luis Martinez jjllmmss at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 20 13:30:52 UTC 2009

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:59 PM, John Hearns <hearnsj at googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2009/3/20 Jason Clifford <jason at ukfsn.org>:
>> Personally I've run Linux on the desktop for nearly 13 years and I've
>> been running it in server space for longer. I've successfully produced
>> and sold Linux to many others for both. I would not however expect any
>> journalist to know how well Linux has run for so long as they just don't
>> have the knowledge or experience. They probably also have no worthwhile
>> connections in the UK Linux communities from which to obtain worthwhile
>> quotes, etc.
> Jason, I read you loud and clear.
> However, this article is a classic hatchet job - how many people, in
> truth, will persevere to the end of an article?
> Your opinion if formed in any article in the first paragraph - so he
> sets the stage by discussing a situation many years in the past, and
> your state of mind is set for the rest of the article. Even at the end
> of the article he still sows that seed of doubt in your mind - Hey, a
> single Microsoft note taking appllication does not run. Hey, use this
> and your scanner might not work.
> Classic FUD.

Which FUD?

I quote:

"Program installation just works. OpenOffice and Firefox are the same
programs as I use on Windows anyway. Some things actually work better:
it is easier to rotate my screen from landscape to portrait and
virtual desktops now work as well as Exposé on a Mac. I think I will
soon have synchronisation between desktop and laptop working more
quickly and unobtrusively than under Windows"


"Under Windows XP, the window to dial up the 3G modem kept popping up
and freezing the wireless connection whether or not the modem was
plugged in. So I tried Xubuntu, a version of Ubuntu that has a
lightweight and well-thought-out window manager. It's quicker to start
up and even to wake from sleep than XP was, and – astonishingly for
any Linux desktop – it's not ugly or obtrusive."

If we are going to judge articles based on Slashdot standards of
criticism, then we can as well stop reading, to say that nobody can be
bothered to read a full article of anything is not a reflection about
the writer but about the person that stops reading.

I see the article as the genuine opinion of somebody that is curious
about the full Linux thing, that he is not convinced fully is
unsurprising, but he praises where he feels prise is due. A hatchet
job would never do that...
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