[Gllug] Wanted - small (20, 30, 40gb) ide disks for kids' computers

M.Blackmore mblackmore at oxlug.org
Sun Nov 15 23:01:35 UTC 2009

No one? Even a couple of 8-10gb disks would do, I could pair them up in
the box to run windows and linux for big bad world outside access....

Must be hundreds gathering dust on shelves or in boxes out there...

"The environmentalist who coined the term "Sustainable Development" so
I've got to keep my 1970's standards up in this day and age!

On Sun, 2009-11-08 at 23:59 +0000, M.Blackmore wrote:
> Seem to have had a run on IDE drives of late for the kids PCs - couple
> of 80gbs went down and now a 60gb... Anyone got anything on the shelf
> they don't want anymore so I can get them up and running again with
> dualboot win98 for the old games and small footmark linixii for playing
> on the web? 
> Even 20gb will do probably as they don't hold anything locally on the
> old PCs...
> Many thanks
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite
> world is either a madman or an economist."
> Kenneth Boulding, Economist.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

"Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite
world is either a madman or an economist."
Kenneth Boulding, Economist.

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