[Gllug] VACANCY: Southern Records is looking for an experienced network administrator to do some consulting

Rich Walker rw at shadowrobot.com
Thu Oct 1 17:17:05 UTC 2009

David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:

> Perhaps it's because agencies tell just as many porkies to employers
> as they do to employees. I wouldn't trust the average agency to find
> me a beard at a beer festival.

Speaking of which, anyone going to St Albans tomorrow? http://www.herstale.org.uk/beerfest/

I'll be the guy with dreads, a beard, and an XKCD t-shirt...

cheers, Rich.

rich walker         |  Shadow Robot Company | rw at shadowrobot.com
managing director      251 Liverpool Road   | skype: rich_at_shadow
need a Hand?           London  N1 1LX       | +44 20 7700 2487
http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/            | +44 7866 561014
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