[Gllug] Fonts Iceweasel and KDE

Lesley lesleyb at herlug.org.uk
Thu Sep 3 11:52:49 UTC 2009

Hi everyone

Debian stable Linux harriet 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Aug 14 07:12:04 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux
KDE 3.5
Iceweasel 3.0.5

I tweaked my Desktop fonts so that I have pretty CLI fonts.  I like Liberation Sans.
And Liberation Mono.  I used the KDE Control Centre to select the fonts and I antialiased with full hiniting through out the font range.

Iceweasel now paints like its for idiots.  The font the application paints in is way to huge. By this I mean the font used when displaying the menu options, tab titles, dialog boxen etc.
It is sans serif but probably around 16 point and I'm not covinced it is antialiased.
The web page content renders well enough using the sans-serif default but deliberate selection of font degrades the anti-aliasing there too.

Povray and Open Office look fine.  The font there is as expected.
GIMP follows IceWeasel.

Anyone know what's up and/or how to fix?


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