[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 10 09:37:04 UTC 2009

Lesley wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 04:59:28PM +0100, Hari Sekhon wrote:
> <snip>
>> You would think that psychology and incentive would have been lessons 
>> well learned from the abysmal failures of communism 
> didn't you mean capitalism there?I thoughht even the bankers had gone 
> for the totally communal approach to dealing with their greed/mistakes/whatever 
> you want to call it i.e. we all pay for it.  Sounds like a fairly communist approach to me.
> <snip>

Closer to Keynesian capitalist economics actually. Central control 
stimulus to stablize the economy for overall better long term economic 
recovery. It turns out that the cost of doing nothing was worse so the 
leaders had to choose the lesser of two evils, the alternative would 
have been to allow a much worse downfall. Of course nobody wanted to 
bail out those ********* but we couldn't let so many people fall down 
because of a few people we'd all love to get our hands on - the overall 
economic impact would have been even greater. It was a question of 
practicality and real world economics over the abstract ideological 
moral of letting them fall over because they deserve it.


Hari Sekhon

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