[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 8 10:01:34 UTC 2009

Jason Clifford wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 16:42 +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
>> Realistically this is a risky proposition.  So you identify that (say)
>> lorry drivers are in demand, and start training youngsters to drive a
>> lorry.
> Yet it's worked fairly well for a very long time - long before the
> industrial revolution.
>> Trouble is that at age 16+ people have the most plastic of brains, and
>> you really want to be giving them general education (the skills to
>> learn how to learn).
> Very true insofar as people want to pursue that type of learning. There
> are also lots of people who simply don't do well with that type of
> learning.
> Hands on skills learning is no less valid in my view

A combination of the two for each inclined group is probably the best. I 
used to be the former, now I'm reformed and prefer the latter as I 
believe it to be more practical and financially successful.

Currently the system is more geared to only doing the former and 
actually wastes the prospects of people who aren't naturally academic as 
they can't find a good use for themselves (which probably encourages 
chav culture because what else have they got - they certainly didn't 
pick up any practical job related skills and their frustration with a 
system that has failed them can manifest itself), and then those that 
are naturally academic, like myself, who even end up getting fed up of 
the system if there is no direct point/reward. The world has simply 
become too competitive, pressured and too much of a rat race for those 
trying to establish themselves to waste time on the niceties of general 
knowledge (unfortunately). A lot of young people coming out of the 
education bubble in the last few years are becoming increasingly 
disillusioned with their lack of success and prospects despite having 
done well at school etc... probably exacerbated by immigration and house 
prices meaning they are only half as well of as they would have been 
before labour, which really doesn't help matters.


Hari Sekhon

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